
How old is too old?

I am not a fan of throwing out old technology, just ask my wife… but in recent years with the release of Windows 8 and Windows 10, and the increase …

Digital Hoarding

Are you a digital hoarder? I have many clients who just can’t press the delete button, then they call me because their computer is running slow or it’s out of …

Common Computer Myths Debunked

I thought I would share with you some of the more commonly asked questions clients put to me on a daily basis. They keep surfacing with stunning regularity.   Should …

Cheap Upgrades

Like many others, I don’t go out and buy the latest and greatest tech gadget just because it’s new or a little faster but what I do buy is quality. …

Apple or PC

With the release of the more affordable Apple IMac, Now only $1349 AUD, Apple is now competing within the price range of every other PC (personal computer) manufacturer on the …