
Purchasing Securely Online

Many of our clients shudder at the thought of purchasing online, afraid of losing their money, being scammed, not receiving the goods they purchased or having their identity stolen, to …

Gifts that keep on giving year-round

As Christmas rolls around again, many of us find it’s a great excuse to upgrade the phone or purchase a new TV or computer. Here are some alternative gift ideas …

Downside to updates

Every six months Microsoft releases a major update to the Windows 10 platform and inevitably, there are issues. The October release, is no exception. If you follow tech blogs and …

Time for a good spring clean

We are well in the middle of spring and every year, along with the good old house spring clean, it’s a great time for a little computer or device cleaning. …

Windows 11 – What Is It Good For?

Every time we turn around there seems to be another software update. Whether it’s a security update, a program update or another Windows update, but did you know that Windows …